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Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
Servings 8
Author Sara



  1. In a large pot with a lid add 1 tbsp coconut oil and popcorn kernels.
  2. With lid on over medium high heat pop the popcorn until you can't hear the popping anymore.
  3. Dump the popcorn into a large bowl removing any unpopped kernels.
  4. In a small saucepan over medium heat all the brown rice syrup and coconut oil.
  5. Heat until bubbly and let bubble for a couple of minutes.
  6. Add the sugar mixture over the popcorn and mix to coat the popcorn.
  7. Add in the nuts and chocolate chips.
  8. Mix to incorporate (the chocolate will start to melt).
  9. In a lined 9x12 baking pan add the popcorn mixture and with a slightly greased parchment sheet cover the top and press down hard to form into bars- its ok if the popcorn breaks.
  10. Press down hard until the bars are evenly distributed into the pan.
  11. Let cool.
  12. Store for up to 1 week, no need to cover or refrigerate.

Recipe Notes

*choose organic ingredients when possible