5 Minute Sweet Chili Sauce Made with Clean Ingredients

Sweet Chili Sauce 2

I wanted to try out a new recipe and needed to find sweet chili sauce.  I searched high and low (even looking at my local Whole Foods) for a bottle that contained only clean ingredients.  I read every single bottle, reading every single ingredient (like I do for everything) and could not find one that I was happy with using.  The closest one I came to finding still contained agave nectar; a sweetener I do not recommend.  This should be easy right…finding real food in the grocery store?  Well unfortunately it is not always easy and when this happens I would much rather find a way to make it myself then settle for something I couldn’t feel good about.

Sweet Chili Sauce

Sweet Chili Sauce 3

Much to my surprise making sweet chili sauce is super easy and in about 5 minutes I had my own version that contained ingredients I could identify as real food.  Moral of the story is that there is a time and a place to purchase certain foods and then there is sometimes a need to make something yourself if you care about what is in your food.  You can make as much as you need, save money, and stay clean all at the same time.  What have you made homemade because you couldn’t find a clean version?

Sweet Chili Sauce 5

Serving Suggestions|

♦Dipping sauce for rice paper rolls

♦Add to sir fry

♦Make this sweet and spicy dressing

Sweet Chili Sauce 4

Sweet Chili Sauce

Prep Time 1 minute
Cook Time 4 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes


  • 1/3 cup maple syrup
  • 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1 tablespoon minced garlic
  • 2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
  • 1 tablespoon arrowroot starch


  1. Add maple syrup, vinegar, and water to a small sauce pan over medium heat.
  2. Let the mixture come to a boil.
  3. Add garlic and red pepper flakes.
  4. Simmer the mixture for a couple minutes.
  5. Add a splash of water to the arrowroot starch in a small bowl and stir to dissolve.
  6. Add that mixture to the chili sauce and stir until thickened. This will be pretty quick.
  7. Add the sauce to a jar with a lid.
  8. Store in the fridge for up to one week.

Recipe Notes

*choose organic ingredients when possible.

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Recipe Rating

  1. OH MY GOODNESS SO GOOD! I was craving Asian dishes but I’m aiming to eat more clean and thus really hit the spot for me, can’t believe how good this was! Gives me hope that you can eat the food you love without compromising your health! Thank you so much!