My Health Philosophy
As a registered dietitian, I am more than just a nutritionist. True health isn’t just about what you eat. It is about mind, body, and spirit.
I believe that our health and/or life challenges are the result of the perfect storm of stressors and traumatic experiences that accumulate and exceed a person’s ability to adapt metabolically and psychologically.
Loss of adaptation then leads to widespread dysfunction that makes a person a vulnerable host for chronic diseases such as chronic fatigue syndrome, mold illness, chronic Lyme fibromyalgia, autoimmunity, etc., to take hold.
When dysfunction continues without resolution, the nervous system becomes chronically dysregulated, and the entire system spends more time in defense mode than energy-producing mode. This is known as Chronic Cell Danger Response (CDR) mode.
Chronic nervous system dysregulation and CDR mode make it so the body doesn’t respond well to the things a person does to try to get well. It also fuels painful emotional states such as anxiety and depression.
From here, a vicious stress-illness-pain-life chaos cycle is created.
If you’re caught within this cycle, I can help you break free from it with a trauma-informed, whole-person approach aimed at figuring out what’s keeping you stuck (in body, mind, and spirit) and implementing a personalized, step-by-step healing plan to get you back on track.
While on my health journey dealing with my own digestive and hormone imbalance issues, I had a hard time finding true, long-term solutions. No matter who I sought help from, my primary care physician or even functional medicine practitioners, I felt like they weren’t digging deep enough to help me solve my root causes. Getting some tests run and being put on some medication or supplements wasn’t helping me the way I felt I deserved.

In a world where medication is prescribed for just about everything and many holistic practitioners recommend long lists of supplements, I believe that there is more to the story if we want to address many of our health problems. You must find the root causes (yes, that is plural) of your issues to find long-lasting solutions. There are no quick fixes here! The body is connected and works together as a whole. It is never about just one thing.
Why do I do what I do? I see it way too often with clients. People are suffering or just getting by in life and suffering from health issues. From little issues like a few patches of eczema to more significant problems like a debilitating autoimmune disease, life isn’t as enjoyable. Many healthcare providers will simply prescribe a pill and send patients on their way without getting to the root issues. Unfortunately, pills (even supplements) often cover up symptoms without fixing the deeper problems. The hard truth is that if we go on without addressing what contributes to symptoms, other health problems can develop down the road. We don’t want that for you, and I hope you don’t want that for yourself, either!
Did you Know That Labs and Supplements are 20% or LESS of the Healing Journey?
So, what exactly are the root causes? I’m glad you asked! I love helping people become more aware and empowered to do the deeper work. The real root causes are the things that alter the way your mind and body respond to environmental stimuli, ultimately leading to stress maladaptation.
Simply put, things like subconscious programming, unresolved trauma patterns, limbic system dysfunction, nervous system deregulation, psychological conflict, a diet that is inflammatory for you, toxic exposure, poor sleep quality, lack of joy, unfulfilling lives, unresolved destructive thinking patterns, lack of downtime and more decrease our resiliency and prevent critical systems of the body from performing sub-optimally. So you see, health is about so much more than just what you eat (although bio-individual nutrition is super important) and if you exercise. Proper health and the ability to thrive come from within and by supporting a healthy environment in which you live.

I get the most enjoyment out of life by teaching and supporting people in their own healing journeys. Learn how to help your body from the inside and out to live life fully. This is about long-term success and being happy with yourself. When you make yourself a priority and learn to become your own best self-healer, magic happens. Your kids are happier, your relationships are better, you get that promotion you have been eyeing, your friendships are more fulfilling, you buy that new car you have been needing, and you get that raise you have been wanting. Feeling your best is priceless. We only get one life, and we can’t get time back. So, if you are ready to step into the best version of yourself, then I am here to help guide you!

5 Things to Know About Working with Me
My Approach is Truly Holistic. There is nothing holistic about merely replacing conventional labs and medications with functional labs and supplements. A truly holistic approach supports the mind, body, and spirit.
My Approach is Trauma-Informed– Early experiences mold behaviors, emotional patterns, unconscious beliefs, learning styles, relational dynamics, and the ability to handle stress and regulate ourselves. Trauma isn’t about what happens to us but rather what happens inside us as a result of experiences. We all experience trauma to some degree, which can impact us psychologically but also physically.
My Approach is designed to self-empower you. Chronic health issues (including gut problems) are usually contingent on many factors that I can’t control, but I can help you become aware of and guide/support you. I empower you to become your own best self-healer.
My Approach is Customized. This isn’t about providing people with cookie-cutter protocols. If SIBO is present, I don’t reach for the same recommendations for everyone. There isn’t ever a one-size-fits-all approach. We are all bioindividuals, but we might also resonate with different strategies. It is more about working with the person and helping them develop a plan they feel good about implementing, using my knowledge, experience, and energy testing to help determine what the body needs.
I work with clients in a unique and personalized way. We collaborate in co-creating truly customized, bio-individualistic self-healing protocols rather than merely using or tweaking standard protocols, especially supplement-based protocols, which seem to be more the norm than the exception in functional medicine.
My Approach is Collaborative. This means working as a team! You are in the driver’s seat, and I am in the passenger seat. It is about listening to you and the client, establishing a good relationship, supporting you, having accountability, listening, and putting our brains together to determine action steps. As the saying goes, “Give a man a fish, and they eat for a day; teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.”
The Path to Long-Term Health: Become Your Own Best Self-Healer!
Sara’s Credentials
Registered Dietitian (RD) by the Commission on Dietetic Registration
Wellness Code Academy certification program
Certified LEAP Therapist (CLT)
Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P) and Certified by Functional Diagnostic Nutrition in Stress and Hormones: The DUTCH Test
HTMA Expert Course by Kendra Perry FDN-P
Completed Integrative and Functional Nutrition Foundations Course with Susan Allen, RDN, CCN at Next Level Functional Nutrition
Hi there!
I’m just a simple girl from the Midwest with a passion for all things food and nutrition. I love the beach, exploring new places, and helping others find their healthy place!
I’m Sara Korzeniewski, a registered dietitian and functional diagnostic nutrition practitioner.
I work with frustrated, confused, yet HIGHLY motivated women who are struggling with hormone imbalances and digestive issues.
I help them get answers by getting to the root causes of their issues by using a multifaceted approach to wellness and empowering them to take 100% responsibility for their health journey. I help support, educate, guide, motivate, and provide strategies to build health from the inside out.
I approach my work differently than most practitioners. I am not just about testing and recommending nutrition or supplement protocols (this is only a small part of what I do); I work to help you address the deeper causes of your symptoms and gain symptom freedom.
The two biggest factors contributing to poor health are toxicity and deficiencies (toxicity often leads to deficiencies). There is no magic pill or one-size-fits-all diet that will help address these. We are unique individuals with unique needs. By assessing your health story, looking for past and current stressors, and using some targeted functional labs (starting with a hair tissue mineral analysis) to paint a bigger picture, together you and I will come up with custom strategies and action steps to help you take back your health and life! While being supported along the way. You don’t have to feel alone on your journey.
I am on a mission to help all women live the life they deserve!
I have been in the health and nutrition field for over a decade.
A few years ago, I found myself suffering with some unpleasant symptoms. I was exhausted all the time, bloated, constipated, had irregular periods, horrible acne, and gained a few pounds I couldn’t get rid of no matter what I did. I just knew that I could feel better. Being a dietitian, I knew something wasn’t right, but when I sought help from my primary care doctor, they ran blood and hormone tests, which they said looked “fine.”
I got real answers.
I took matters into my own hands to get some real answers, which led me into the world of functional medicine. When I first sought guidance from other holistic and functional practitioners, I found myself spending a lot of money on labs and supplements. While I did see some positive shifts in my symptoms, I still struggled to make as much progress as I desired. But why?
My Missing Links
I realized over time that there is nothing functional about replacing conventional labs and medications with functional labs and supplements. Most of the practitioners I was trying to get answers from were just using standard protocols and not addressing me as an individual. Nobody was talking to me about trauma, emotions, nervous system regulation, or helping me discover what way of eating was best for me. I needed so much more than labs, supplements, and a one-size-fits-all diet.
How did I do it?
I slowly started to work on all areas of my life, including developing a mindset for healing, nutrition, and eating to reduce inflammation, sleep and circadian rhythm, movement, stress reduction and trauma healing, toxic burden, and getting the right personalized supplements to support my body and the healing process. It wasn’t about just doing one thing. The collection of things I did over time finally got me to my symptom freedom! I wasn’t just guessing or moving from one doctor to the next anymore, which felt amazing and empowering! It helped keep me going.
This has given me the tools to help you achieve the same results and reach the same awareness so that you can feel fabulous in your own skin if you are willing to get in the driver’s seat and be the captain of your own ship. Nobody can do it for you. You are in control!

More About Sara
And when I’m not working with clients and creating new wholesome recipes, I can usually be found on a walk, reading a good book, or spending time with my husband and our dogs, Nova and Porter.
I grew up near Chicago, Illinois, and did not like the unpredictable weather and harsh winters. After graduating from Northern Illinois University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Nutrition and Dietetics, I moved to Arizona to complete my dietetic internship at University Medical Center. I fell in love with the mountains and warm weather. After a couple of years, I moved back to Illinois, and there, I fell in love with my husband. We have since moved to Arizona together to enjoy the warm weather and sunshine.
My early nutrition path was paved by mainstream nutrition advice… low-fat diets, eating less, moving more, and a calorie-counting mentality (but please don’t hold that against me). As a young adult, I suffered from poor self-esteem with a face full of acne and extra weight that wouldn’t stay away. At the time, I had no idea that my digestive system was a wreck and my hormones were out of balance. It wasn’t until I started to focus on my wellness and study function nutrition using science-based research that I was able to embrace my body and get back into balance.
I am happiest when I get to help others learn about their bodies, better understand how nutrition and lifestyle work together, investigate the root cause of their health issues and meet their wellness goals. I am not about fad diets but more about helping you discover what works best for you and your body! Living a healthy lifestyle does not have to be about depriving yourself of all the foods you enjoy. I love to cook and create food that tastes delicious and nourishes our bodies the way nature intended. I currently work 1-on-1 with clients all over the world.