Disease Doesn’t Begin in the Gut: Understanding the Energetic Roots of Illness and How to Address Them for Optimal Health

Have you heard the phrase “All Disease Begins in the Gut”? It’s a popular belief attributed to the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates. While it is true that the gut plays a vital role in our health, it’s not the only factor to consider. In fact, before any disease can manifest physically, it’s most often first triggered energetically, impacting the biofield. Let’s dive into why disease doesn’t begin in the gut and where it does begin.

Where Does Most Disease Begin?

The biofield, also known as our energetic barrier, is an extension of our subconscious body-mind system. Most of us are not taught about it in school or functional programs. Our biofield is an energy field radiating approximately 12 feet around us. This energy is a byproduct of our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual states of being. Every day, we either raise or lower our vibration, depending on our thoughts, actions, and interactions with others and our environment.

Quantum physics has shown that everything in the universe is made out of energy, vibrating at different frequencies, including us human beings. According to the Law of Attraction, like attracts like. Therefore, if we continually give off negative energy, either in our thoughts or actions, such as pushing beyond our capacity, poor sleep habits, and putting ourselves last in our lives, we have the potential to attract negative experiences, people, and situations in our lives.

On the other hand, if we allow energetically draining people, situations, or environments into our lives, then our energetic vibrations can go down, creating a cycle that impacts us physically, mentally, and emotionally. This makes us vulnerable hosts, which sets the stage for gut and system-wide dysfunction. Therefore, maintaining a positive, energetic field can help us avoid negative energies that may radiate into our bodies and cause imbalance.

Signs of low vibration include…

  • Moody, including feeling depressed and anxious
  • Insecurity and fear
  • Quick to respond with anger
  • Ungrounded
  • Complains a lot
  • Fatigue and little energy
  • Ungrateful
  • Unhealthy with little self-care
  • Feeling stuck in life
  • Make a lot of poor choices
  • Feelings of always being the victim

Conversely, signs of a high-vibration person include positivity, joy, contentment, inner peace, good energy, and vibrant health!

While many habits can help raise our vibration, such as spending time in nature, treating others with kindness and respect, and prioritizing self-care, it’s essential to analyze our energetic field just as much as we make our diet and lifestyle choices. Having a higher energetic vibration matters BIG TIME regarding our overall health.

To conclude, although the gut is essential to our health, it’s vital to recognize that disease doesn’t ALWAYS begin there. Disease first manifests energetically before it affects the physical body. Some exceptions might include traumatic brain injury, which can be caused by a physical insult such as a car accident. This might damage the hypothalamus and pituitary in the brain, which is the epicenter of the HPA axis and nervous system, causing the body to go haywire.

Therefore, practitioners and individuals should prioritize maintaining a positive, energetic field to maximize their well-being, stay healthy, and heal from chronic health issues, in addition to strategic biochemical approaches. As Deepak Chopra famously said, “All disease begins in the subconscious realm.” So let’s prioritize our energetic health as much as our physical health.

How to Get Support?

If you are a wellness coach or practitioner who works with clients who have autoimmune diseases, it is important to become trauma-informed. Wellness Code Academy practitioner certification programs are dynamic, trauma-informed, beyond-the-biochemical, and truly holistic coaching systems that take…

The deepest dive ever into healing the gut, brain, nervous system, and mitochondria—and also taps into the power of the subconscious mind to support healing the psyche? Learn more HERE.

Learn more about my approach with clients: My Health and Healing Philosophy

I believe ANY HEALING JOURNEY ultimately needs to involve addressing BOTH the body and the mind in the proper way and in the proper order, which will be highly individual.  

It is also a huge reason why I see many feel stuck on their own healing journeys: this concept hasn’t been adequately acknowledged, understood, or addressed. 

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