14 November, 2023
The Importance of a Truly Holistic Approach to Parasite Cleansing for Optimal Health and Wellness

Proper parasite cleansing can be important to maintaining overall health and wellness. Many people are unaware of parasites’ role in chronic health challenges and don’t take the necessary steps to cleanse them from their bodies. In this blog post, we will go into detail about parasites, why they are harmful, and why it is so important to learn about parasite cleansing from a truly holistic perspective that addresses both physical and psychological aspects of the body.
Parasites are EVERYWHERE!
Parasites are everywhere in our environment and are present in humans and pets. They are a driver of chronic disease to varying degrees, as they steal energy and nutrients from the body and activate the immune system. This triggers inflammation, damages tissue, and disrupts the delicate balance of the body’s ecosystems. While the presence of parasites within the body is common to some degree, the degree to which they cause disease depends on one’s resilience and the ability of the immune system to keep them in check.
Even the BEST lab tests will often miss them!
Parasites can be challenging to detect, even with testing, because they can evade and disarm the immune system, becoming resistant to drug and herbal therapies. Some parasites can even self-destruct upon being eliminated in stool, giving people a false sense of clearance. Addressing parasites is not as simple as killing them, as it requires a multi-faceted approach that involves preparation, strategic eradication interventions, and post-eradication health-building practices.
They’re notorious for wreaking widespread physiological and psychological havoc.
Common symptoms and conditions associated with chronic parasites include:
- Chronic fatigue (physical, mental, and/or emotional)
- Sleeplessness
- Recurring SIBO
- Food and environmental intolerances
- Autoimmunity
- Itchiness, especially an itchy butt!
- Chronic diarrhea and/or constipation
- Abdominal pain
- Anxiety and depression
- Chronic inflammation of any kind
- Autoimmunity
- Chronic agitation
- Distorted thinking patterns (they LOVE to hijack the rational mind)
- Anxiety, depression, and other mental health struggles
- Neuroinflammation
- Contribute to the development of cancer
- And so much more!
Parasites aren’t just a gut issue.
Parasites are not limited to the gut, nor do they only cause gut symptoms. They can migrate to all parts of the body, including the brain. Some parasites are even intracellular, meaning they can inhabit the cells themselves. Symptoms of parasitic infection can involve a combination of physical, mental, and emotional distress. They can often be silent or only present as whispers of discomfort for a long while before erupting into life-altering issues. Some common symptoms of parasite infestation include chronic fatigue, inflammatory episodes, poor sleep, and malnutrition.
There is a strong link between the mental and emotional fallout of trauma and vulnerability to parasites. In other words, unresolved emotional wounds weaken one’s defenses, creating a vibrational resonance for parasites to take hold and thrive. The upheaval parasites create can drain vital reserves, impair the detoxification system, and keep the immune system chronically activated – undermining any healing interventions implemented.
Infestations are becoming more common and virulent due to a multitude of environmental factors, including excessive EMFs, chemicals in food and water supplies, over-sterilization practices with harmful agents, and the overuse of antibiotics and other prescription drugs that greatly compromise people’s gut microbiomes and mucosal barriers. As stressors mount, our resilience decreases, making all of us vulnerable hosts to varying degrees.
While conventional medicine interventions can be useful for acute infections, they often miss the mark for resolving chronic parasitic issues. Successful eradication of parasites commands a holistic, whole-person, whole-system, bio-individual approach. This means addressing both the physiology and psychology of the individual. Healing one without the other is impossible, as the two are bidirectional.
Learning about parasite cleansing from a physical and psychological, holistic, whole-person approach is important. Doing so can help individuals maintain overall health and wellness and address chronic health challenges that may be caused or exacerbated by parasitic infections. By taking a comprehensive approach to parasite cleansing, one can achieve freedom from parasites by supporting the body’s natural healing mechanisms and building greater resilience and well-being.
So, how can one learn the science, psychology, and art of successful, holistic parasite cleansing?
We’ve got your back!
Our brand new, dynamic Parasite Cleansing Mastery course is like a REHAB and RENOVATION team for your terrain and a SWAT team for parasites — giving them the boot and leaving your body feeling refreshed, revitalized, and resilient.
Picture this – no more bloating, no more brain fog, no more unexplained fatigue, and no more staying stuck in a never-ending cycle of no sustainable improvements despite solid efforts.
Just pure, uninterrupted energy and vitality.
Sounds pretty great, right?
Our course teaches you everything you need to know about parasites and their different tactics to hide and thrive in the body.
But we don’t stop there.
We also…
- Delve into the emotional factors that make one a vulnerable host
- Provide the tools to shift your physiological and psychological terrains so they’re no longer conducive to them
- Teach about how to prepare the body for the cleansing process adequately
- Guide on how to holistically and successfully remove them way beyond merely taking meds or supplements
- And so much more!
So, if you’re ready to say goodbye to those nasty parasites and hello to a healthier, happier you — or help your clients do so, sign up for our Parasite Cleansing Mastery course today.

How to Get Support?
If you are a women’s wellness coach or practitioner, becoming trauma-informed is important. Wellness Code Academy practitioner certification program is a dynamic, trauma-informed, beyond-the-biochemical, and truly holistic coaching system that takes…
The deepest dive ever into healing the gut, brain, nervous system, and mitochondria—and also taps into the power of the subconscious mind to support healing the psyche. Learn more HERE.
Learn more about my approach with clients: My Health and Healing Philosophy.
I believe ANY HEALING JOURNEY ultimately needs to involve addressing BOTH the body and mind properly and in order, which will be highly individual.
It also is a HUGE reason why I see many feel stuck on their healing journeys because this concept hasn’t been adequately acknowledged, understood, or addressed.