How to Use Castor Oil Packs for Liver Support

Have you ever tried a castor oil pack?  I asked this question a few months ago on my Instagram page and got a lot of questions.  Most people had never heard of castor oil packs and expressed interest in learning more about how to use them for liver support. In this post, I am sharing why castor oil packs are so beneficial for the liver (can be used for other things, too!) and how to get started using them.
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26 September, 2018

How to Use Castor Oil Packs for Liver Support

Have you ever tried a castor oil pack?  I asked this question a few months ago on my Instagram page and got a lot of questions.  Most people had never heard of castor oil packs and expressed interest in learning more about...

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  1. Very interesting. I will be giving this a try. I was recently informed I have a fatty liver. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Glad you found it interesting. I find fatty liver is much more about a blood sugar issue. When blood sugars are high your body has to move sugar out and it can get stored in the liver. Sugar gets stored as fat. So addressing it will likely be more than just doing castor oil packs.

  2. Are there any visible or noticeable changes that indicate the castor oil pack (over my liver) has done anything?

    1. Yes some will have noticeable changes. But not everyone will have significant noticeable changes. Health is about all the things you do collectively to support your body.

  3. Hi Sara, thanks for this info. Very helpful, particularly about not using a plastic covering. I have a couple of questions – firstly, when in relation to mealtimes is a good time to do a castor oil pack? And secondly, could I do two castor oil packs simultaneously (eg one for liver, one over pelvic area) or is that not advised?

    1. Timing doesn’t matter much as far as mealtime goes. But if you feel best doing it at certain times then listen to your body. Yes you can definitely do them over different parts of your body at the same time.

  4. Hi Sarah! I have discovered your blog. I just found out I have NAFLD. I am going to try this castor oil pack on advice of my doctor. I hope it works. I do not have sugar issues, as I have been doing keto and intermittent fasting for a very long time. All my other blood work thus far has shown great cholesterol ratio, low triglycerides and very low glucose. I have had high serum ferritin levels that I keep under control by giving blood. I have very high B12 levels. I am perplexed as how I developed a fatty liver. I drink alcohol socially but very responsibly. Lately, since I’ve found out about NAFLD, I do not drink at all. 23andMe health report (about 10 years ago) did say I had a higher than average propensity to develop NAFLD. So is it just genetics? Or did something in my “healthy”, high fat diet cause this? Recently, I read that if you have NAFLD do not use MCT oil but coconut oil is okay. I have used MCT oils in the past but not a crazy amount. I LOVE BUTTER, olive oil and avocados. No dairy either other than grass fed butter. I take a lot of supplements, some supposedly good for the liver: NAC, niacin, milk thistle. Maybe my Omegas are out of balance? Too many nuts could be too high in Omega 6? I thought they were high in 3’s but found out actually high in omega 6! I lost 27 lbs in about 6 months, 5 years ago and have kept it off. I am 5’6” and currently my weight fluctuates between 122- 130. Any thoughts? I need Dr. House!

    1. We can develop fatty liver for many possible reasons. I would also possible consider anything that can stress out the liver so yes alcohol and blood sugar imbalances can do that but so can thing like…gut dysfunction (the gut is the biggest source of toxicity in the body), toxic metals and MORE!

  5. What is the difference between using a castor oil pack and just put in the oil on your stomach before you go to bed at night? I actually put it all over my body a few times a week after a bath.

  6. I am doing the castro oil pack to the liver prior to my thyroid for a month. But I am curious, how long should or does one continue to apply the packs to one liver? You say 3 to 4 times a week, do you ever reduce this amount?

    1. Depends on the case. There is no one size fits all to usage. Overall good health is more than just doing castor oil packs so if all is well one might not have to do them as often.

    1. No you don’t mix cayenne pepper with the castor oil. Proper gut health overall is what needs to happen to help our bodies many enough enzymes.

  7. Thank you for this very helpful article! May I ask what one hopes for by applying packs to the thyroid? Thanks!

  8. Hi Sara! Great information!! Can you put the castor oil pack on at bedtime and leave it on overnight? If so, how many nights a week would you recommend? Thank you!

    1. Some people like to do that but I have had some clients do that an experience diarrhea so it will completely be dependent on the individual. There is no one-size-fits-all approach.

  9. Amazon sells adhesive organic cotton pads 8.7” x 7.9” to be used for castor oil packs. I like that they are neater and cleaner than some other methods. What are your thoughts? Thanks again!

    1. I am using one of those right now. So convenient. I might not do the castor oil pack at all if I had to hassle with the fabric and wrapping. This one has adhesive around the edges. I might save it in a glass container and see if I can reuse it. Bottom line is, I am doing the castor oil pack which may not otherwise happen.