18 December, 2015
Motivation for Change: Yes YOU Have it!
With the new year right around the corner I thought that it was the perfect time to talk a little about motivation.
As a health coach and dietitian I often hear from potential clients that they want to be more motivated before embarking on any new health change. Clients sometimes think that they need to be 100% motivated to sign up for nutrition coaching. Even if they feel 80% ready for change I hear from them that they want to wait when they fell that they are more motivated. They want to find that additional 20%. The thing is that I usually don’t hear from them after that. They usually do not move forward with that change.
Motivation is the desire to do things and research shows that YOU can influence your own levels of motivation and self control. It is a noun meaning “the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way” or “the general desire or willingness of someone to do something.” Motivation is really more than a noun, it is a way of life and everyone possesses it!
I am hear to tell you nobody is 100% motivated all of the time. I know that you will find that even the fittest and healthiest person in the world has those days when they have to talk them self into that morning workout or end up indulging in that bowl of ice cream after dinner. There may even be those days when you just aren’t feeling “it” and you allow yourself to spend the day resting in best with a good movie. Believe it or not those days are healthy too! The goal is to make healthy choices more often than not.
It is motivation and consistency that are the key components to being successful in almost anything you set out to accomplish.
I want you to know that everyone has motivation in them! Yes you too! The role of a good health practitioner is to encourage you to consider behavior change and to find your motivation within. Part of my job in working with clients is to help them realize their motivation and give them the tools to keep it up long term.
Don’t let your health and happiness decline while you sit and wait for full motivation. Find someone qualified to listen to your concerns, discover your goals, and find your motivation for change. If you are looking for a health change, now is the time! Go get it!!
It’s so important to remember this! Especially when its dreary outside and I don’t want to do anything!
Very true! Some days are easier then others but it is important to power thru!
Motivation is tough. Behavior change is harder. It’s so important to have someone by your side when you decide to make these changes. You do wonderful work 🙂
You are so right! I appreciate your kind words.