21 August, 2022
Release self-doubt through goal setting

Feeling stuck?
Moving past self-doubt will allow you to create a life of confidence, happiness, and fulfillment. Believe it or not, this truth is both simple AND available to everyone.
It all starts with one decision…
That ONE decision will lead to you reimagining what your life could look like! You’ll write a new chapter, and live the life of your deepest desires.
But I didn’t say it would be easy! Before getting on to the good stuff… you first have to understand where you are in life right now.
You CAN’T select a wise future destination without knowing where you’re coming from!
And so, before you get to live the life of your dreams, you HAVE to unpack the present.
How do we do this?
If you want to FEEL differently you have to DO differently.
Often, when you realize you feel stuck in your life, it’s because you’ve been living in survival mode and haven’t been aware of it.
In survival mode, dreams are not an option-
Do you feel like this..? Often? Sometimes?
Like you’re living from moment to moment, just getting through each day, without ANY idea where to start to break this cycle?
I hate to break it to you, but unless you’re running from a tiger, really any time spent in chronic survival mode is too much time.
So how do you break the cycle?
Curiosity is a powerful tool because it allows you to bring awareness to things you wouldn’t normally notice or entertain.
Introducing these new thought patterns will help to BREAK YOU OUT OF YOUR OLD CYCLE.
Once you break out of your old cycle, you’re ready for a NEW CHAPTER!

Use curiosity to guide the way toward your new chapter…
Try this simple exercise in reflection & visualization:
- Write down the current date and time, where are you physically, and what feelings you are currently experiencing.
(This part of the exercise can be as detailed as you like, it is designed to pull you into the present moment.)
- Describe the chapter of life that you are in right now, the chapter that you want to turn the page on.
- What has this chapter been like for you?
- How long have you been in this chapter?
- Any highlights of this chapter?
- What was the hardest part(s) of this chapter of your life?
- What meaningful or positive lessons have you learned in this chapter that you know you want to carry into the next chapter?
- What is something that you are going to give yourself permission to dream about? 5 years from now? 10 years from now?
(Allow yourself to get in touch with what you want. Be honest with yourself. There is no reason to play small here.)
Remember: nothing is at stake here. You’re just getting curious.
Was it DIFFICULT to visualize your wants & dreams?
Be HONEST. And also…
Be gentle with yourself.
Whether you did the exercise or not… if you feel resistance from within when it comes to identifying your wants, that’s not unusual.
It’s normal. Why?
Clarifying what you want can be VERY difficult!
If it feels that way for you… know that you’re not alone!
Tuning into your deepest desires and biggest aspirations can feel challenging and even overwhelming… especially if you are a mother or caregiver of any kind (or even have been).
Why? Because knowing what you want requires you to pay close ATTENTION to yourself… Something most caregivers struggle to do!
If you fall into this category, do me a favor and stop to think about the last occasion that you had the time, the energy, and the mental/emotional freedom to think ONLY of yourself… I’ll wait…
When you become accustomed to spending all of your time & energy thinking about others… it’s no surprise that you may in turn struggle to identify what you want for yourself and YOUR future.
So don’t be hard on yourself.
I have something to help you tune into YOU. Read on…

One of the best ways to discover what you WANT… is to begin by identifying what you DON’T!
Try this exercise for realizing your deepest desires, by first identifying what you do NOT want:
- Begin by finding a few quiet, focused minutes to sit down & tune into yourself.
Write down the time of day, your location, the current weather, what you’re wearing, what sounds and smells you’re aware of… any details that may help to bring you into the present moment.
- Next, write down some things that you DON’T want for yourself.
These might include a lifestyle you dislike, a job you would hate, a location you wouldn’t want to live in, etc. Just let it flow. Write as much as you can!
- Pay attention to feelings of jealousy or envy that may arise as you create your list… these emotions identify blocked desires.
Jealousy is not something to feel ashamed of. It is an incredibly powerful emotion- Jealousy shows up, acting like a directional signal within you, encouraging you to take a closer look at your relationship to the object of your jealousy.
If you tune into this emotion you can use it as a tool to figure out what you want.
But be careful! the flip side of jealousy is envy, one of the most toxic, unproductive emotions you can feel. Allow your emotions to work as signals and signs FOR you, rather than against you.
- Be honest with yourself as you identify these blocked desires. And above all, allow yourself plenty of gentle kindness here.
As a result of this exercise, you may be identifying deep wounds & wants you never allowed yourself to be aware of previously. Be extremely gentle with yourself.
- Allow yourself to want the things you have identified. Write down anything that comes up.
Afterward… You will likely need to process. You may wish to move your body, cry, talk with a trusted friend, sing, dance, or express yourself artistically… anything to help you process this energy you’ve created and move it through your body in a healthy way.

Using manifestation as a TOOL
Try this exercise using manifesting as a tool:
The goal? Identify what you authentically want and let that desire flow.
Simple, right..? First, let’s discuss manifestation and some common pitfalls with the practice to avoid.
Manifesting: mentally rehearsing as you do the work, allowing you to move in the direction of your desires. In other words, training your mind, body, and spirit to aid you as you do the work to get what you want.
Pitfall #1- Simply focusing on your end goal.
This can be very demotivating… it can highlight how much distance there is between your dream and your current reality.
Pitfall #2- You’re all dreams… but NO action.
Dreaming is great, it allows you to become acquainted with what you really want- but dreaming is only part of the battle.
Remember… thoughts only become things when those thoughts motivate you to ACT!
Step #1- Focus on the bridge between where you are now and where you want to be by setting small goals that will help you to achieve your larger goal.
It is IMPORTANT here that you visualize doing the work because the brain doesn’t know the difference between what you IMAGINE and REALITY!
How cool is that??
This is considered mental rehearsal, and it works because the mind is being trained to BELIEVE you have already reached your goal, so it decreases resistance toward making it happen for real
Step #2- Feel it in your body, what does it feel like to do the hard work necessary to reach each small goal?
This practice of feeling the work in your body helps to make reaching your goal feel real.
Step #3- Allow yourself to feel proud for doing the work… even if you’re just rehearsing it.
This decreases your resistance once again, making it easier for you to allow yourself to take the actions that will help you reach your goal.
Step #4- Do it!
Be flexible with where the path leads you. Your goals may change over time and that is MORE than alright!

How can I offer you support in goal setting and manifestation?
I love talking about goal setting and mindfulness, every week during our live coaching calls inside Heal Your Gut for Good we create a space for reflection, manifestation, and accountability.
We support one another in setting health goals and provide accountability for sticking to them.
If having conversations that allow you to better know yourself and set achievable goals for your future appeals to you, let me know in the comments!
And if you’re ready to take the next step toward setting health goals that will literally change your life…
Click the green button below to book a health breakthrough session with me, I’ll guide you toward that life you’ve dreamed of.
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