gut health

11 September, 2018

4 Myths About Probiotics

Probiotics have become so popular, there’s certainly no shortage of probiotic supplements being sold in stores.  But do you really know what you are doing when it comes to taking probiotics?  First, you need to understand how probiotics really work. ...

7 August, 2016

Gut Supporting Iced Tea

Numerous traditional diets emphasized the use of herbal teas made from plants that would otherwise not play a large role in the diet.  Herbal teas were a way to ensure a diverse and robust nutrient intake.  These traditional societies knew...

18 March, 2015

The Ultimate Fermented Round Up

Fermentation dates back to 5400 BCE so it is not a new concept.  Fermenting foods started out simply as a way to preserve food.  As we became a more processed nation the art of fermentation was put on the back...