
3 May, 2017

Hormone Testing: Find Out Which Test Is Best

This is one of those moments where I wish I could go back in time and give some advice to my younger self.  Instead of going on birth control pills to “fix” my issues like acne and irregular periods, I...

4 March, 2017

Homemade Herbal Coffee

Ah coffee.  How much do we love you?  I can’t scroll Instagram without seeing at least one coffee related meme.  Things like, “Life without coffee is like me without sleep.  Neither are recommended.”  Or “I know how to cure my coffee withdrawal,...

30 December, 2016

Top 10 Posts of 2016

Can you believe that another year is in the books?  I have a hard time remembering exactly what happened last week much less remember what I have been doing this past year.  Having a blog where you can document life and...

6 May, 2016

Turmeric Dust (For Easy Turmeric Milk and More)

Turmeric is one of those foods that more and more people are trying to incorporate into their lives for the health benefits.  I am no exception.  I love turmeric and know how it can support a healthy inflammatory process but...

27 November, 2015

Avoiding Plastic with Eco At Heart

Plastic was first invented in the early 1900’s but only over the last 50 years have plastics saturated our lives and changed the way that we live.  Plastic is inexpensive, easy to use, and versatile which caused it to replace...