I learned what was actually causing all of my symptoms and how to start fixing it.  I have more energy than I can remember having since before having kids.  I’m sleeping through the night.  My periods are getting better each month.  I feel I can do the things now that I enjoy doing for myself and take care of my family without being exhausted on the couch by 2pm.

It was the best time and money I have ever spent.
Amber S.
I was dealing with heavy periods, endometriosis, low ferritin, fatigue.

I was drawn to the quality and extent of Sara’s knowledge shining through and it was a breath of fresh air because I felt something was wrong with the approaches I was met with before. With so much info to relay, this program breaks it down into super understandable and small actionable steps. It is wonderful to have support on hand when needed as well. This is something I hadn’t encountered on my journey yet. I feel like either I was just thrown supplements at my issues or given an info dump and left to figure out how to put it all together myself which was overwhelming and confusing.

I gained a better understanding of how / why disease takes hold in the body and ways to support your body. I gained a greater connection and awareness to my body and mind in daily life. I am more mindful of my time, priorities, habits that need to be worked on, noticing what works best for my body, etc. I have noticed improvements in energy levels, less GI symptoms, less anxiety, clearer skin, improved sleep, and improvement in periods.

I would recommend the program to others because after 10 years of trying different approaches, this is the most approachable, comprehensive, and individualized program I’ve looked into.
“Working with Sara has been incredibly beneficial; she provided excellent advice, a wealth of supportive tools, and outstanding resources. Her helpful ideas and encouraging guidance made the experience enjoyable. Sara is approachable and easy to talk to, which allows for open communication. I truly appreciate her emphasis on promoting self-healing.

Since working with Sara, my digestive problems have been alleviated. I no longer experience pain, persistent discomfort, or bloating. I’ve gained a greater awareness of maintaining my health, and my energy is gradually returning.

This experience stood out because I had a coach by my side to help navigate challenges and shed light on aspects I previously overlooked, which had a significant impact on me.

Sara is an exceptional coach!

Her extensive knowledge and deep insight shine through in her work. She is incredibly passionate about guiding others on their healing journeys and empowering us to become our own self-healers.

Sara provides remarkable clarity on what true health entails, offering a fresh perspective that contrasts with conventional methods. Her holistic, whole-body, natural approach encourages others to view their health in a new light.

Sara is dedicated to supporting individuals and goes above and beyond to assist each person uniquely. She recognizes everyone as distinct and strives to help you achieve your personal goals.”
“2022 has been the darkest year, but also the most deliberating and empowering one.  The pain and symptoms from my chronic health issues robbed me of all the joy in my life.  I was stuck into this cycle of hope and disappointment for each new treatment.  Every time a new protocol did not work, I would plummet even deeper.  Chronic illness comes with its emotional toll, including self-loathing, despair and loneliness.  I was at the mercy of conventional medicine and its “magical” prescriptions focusing on killing instead of regenerating.  Thanks in part to Sara, I’ve finally experienced the beauty of sustainable healing.  She is an amazing and inspiring practitioner.  My health is gradually improving.  I have less water retention around my face and legs, no more hair loss and my hair is wavier.  I sleep better with almost no insomnia at 5am, boost in my mood and less brain fog.

I now know that healing is in my own hands.  I am so much more empowered.  I know with confidence now that I have all the tools to heal sustainably. When we are capable of releasing all that no longer serves us, we start becoming who we really are, instigating the body’s powerful self-healing ability.  Things often fall apart so they can piece themselves back together again in a better way.”
After being diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, I’ve seen a handful of primary doctors that never really provided me any answers beyond – your thyroid is broken, take this pill for the rest of your life.

I had big breakthroughs working with Sara. Every question was answered in detail and my course of action was clear. I felt heard and seen.

I gained so much insight that it would fill a book.

I used to feel like my body was broken. BUT NOW I FEEL LIKE A NORMAL HUMAN BEING.

I truly felt like my symptoms, desires, questions and issues were addressed according to the function of MY body/health.

This program helps you discover the “why” and provides answers to your questions.

I came to Sara looking for help with PCOS, ovulation pain, short luteal phase, low body temperature, acne, diarrhea/bloating after meals, poor gut health, depression, brain fog. I highly enjoyed working with Sara because she helped me take all of the guesswork out of my health! No more buying supplements that do not fit my personal needs and instead, implementing healing tools that work best for me and having the support and guidance to implement them.Healing feels more attainable than I thought before working with Sara and I am more empowered than ever to continue my healing journey. By changing some of my eating habits, implementing a few easy healing tools, I’ve seen significant changes! Improved overall energy, no bloating/diarrhea, better more consistent mood, more satisfied after meals & have eliminated the need for snacks.I FEEL better! I’m happier and more confident that healing is possible! Let Sara be your guide! It is up to you to put in the hard work, but she will help you through it!

We were able to pinpoint some root causes and after implementing some strategies, my symptoms began to disappear. However, I feel the mental support and accountability made an even bigger difference. Anyone can prescribe you some supplements, routines, and dietary changes, but Sara made sure to focus on the WHOLE picture. I have felt supported the whole time, and I have really appreciated Sara’s patience and encouragement. I’m so much more aware of my mindset and the stressors that were contributing to my symptoms. Now I am able to get myself back on track whenever I feel myself slipping into old habits or letting stress get to me.

After about 6 months, my main symptoms have completely cleared up. My digestion has normalized and I have much less stress when it comes to making food choices. More importantly, I know I have the knowledge and tools to continue making progress. Working with Sara will leave you feeling empower to take control of your own health!
Nicole W.
Before starting The Organic Dietitian one on one program I was chronically bloated and my digestive issues left me miserable!

I tried many things and switched doctors many times trying to get answers. I had to choose my hard- to stay stuck and miserable without any answers OR choose me, to show up for myself no matter how hard. So incredibly rewarding to show up for myself, not always easy, but so grateful I chose not to stay stuck and miserable!

I gained so much insight into myself.

Now I experience hardly any bloating and feeling SO much better. More strength and confidence in myself!

You won’t regret the decision to work with Sara. If you really want to better your health, this is it!
Karen C. testimonial imageKaren C.
I have been plagued with extreme anxiety the majority of my life. I had in a way accepted my anxiety as something that would always be present. I sought out Sara’s help for a completely different issue, thinning hair. I had seen six different doctors and wasn’t satisfied with the information I was receiving from them. During the stress of visiting all these doctors and getting no answers, my extremely stressful hair loss manifested in to a variety of other issues such as digestive problems, insomnia, extreme weight loss…. I loved Sara’s Instagram posts because she talked about WHY, something not one of the six doctors ever did.

I have learned more through working with Sara on just two calls, than in the five years I have spent going to six different doctors combined. Her plans also address every aspect of healing including diet and lifestyle, which I love.

My life has completely changed since I had my first consultation with Sara.  I am so excited to report that for the first time that I can ever remember, I DO NOT HAVE ANY ANXIETY!  I just can’t put it into words how grateful I am to Sara for healing what I had accepted as the hand of cards I was dealt in life.  She has changed my life and I can’t thank her for it enough!
Elizabeth R.
My energy is SO MUCH BETTER.  I have more vitality, almost like a “fieriness” and zest for/excitement for life.  My acne is better.  My anxiety has gotten so much better!  My anxiety used to paralyze me. I can’t imagine being nervous for the things that I used to be nervous for now.  I was afraid that I would never be able to run again due to knee pain but I am now running again. I would encourage anyone to work with Sara!
Mackenzie C.
My mood is more upbeat, I have not had a panic attack in over 9 months, and my cycles are every 28 days.  I can pin point exactly when my cycle will start. I have no more indigestion and have bowel movements 2-3 times a day. Which before I would have a bowel movement maybe every 1-2 days. Overall, I feel like a new person.  I haven’t felt this good in years.  Plus, I have reduced my stress in half and I know when I feel it coming on and have the knowledge to keep it from taking over. You have helped me fill my tool box with so many resources! I am grateful I reached out and grateful for your guidance and compassion for my specific needs.
Jessica G.
The day I made a commitment to myself and put it out in the Universe, everything began to fall into place. I was signed up for the one-on-one program and I was on my way to better health. I am so grateful that I made that decision, because I truly feel that I am living a more connected and truer life. I have gained trust, confidence, and compassion for myself.

I was dealing with indigestion, food sensitivities, dizziness, anxiousness. Like most others, I have tried it all…diets, practitioners, supplements and was only seeing temporary relief. I was tired of doing it on my own spending time and money with little to no results.

I now know how to listen to my body better and I have the tools, knowledge, and support to make the necessary adjustments when needed.

If you are looking for support and guidance and a strong desire to feel your best, this is the place to be!
Portrait image of Kerry K.Kerry K.
I’ve been feeling so much better lately and not worried so much about what I’m going to eat or if something is going to make me sick.  I wish I would have done this a year ago.
Long before working with Sara I worked with practitioners telling me to be patient about breaking out or with my gut issues or liver detoxification.  Years with these people and patience and still no real resolution.  But I have to say since working with Sara I’ve seen the absolute most improvement!!  I feel better, my gut has been great and my overall moods and quality of life with my family is great.  And I have Sara to thank.  I have only been working with her for 4 months so far and feel I’ve made the most progress in that short time than I have in 8+ years.  It really gives me a lot of hope.
Sherra R.
To heal yourself requires a lot of work. Even following the protocol I was given, changing my mindset has had the biggest impact on me.  It take s a lot of trust to heal.  You have to trust that what you are doing is helping, and trust that your body wants to heal as well. Sara was great to work with because she is so confident with interpreting the test results and the protocol she gives you.  There is a reason for EVERYTHING. She understands how there can be multiple components to what might be causing your symptoms, and is able to look at the individually and as a whole. She was always so fast to answer any of my questions or concerns.
Julz K.
My energy is back!!! This is the most exciting for me because I am a very busy and active working Mom and need all the energy I can to keep up! I had a few months I could barely get out of bed. Some days I would work from my bed and struggle to find the energy to even get up to bathe my child (those were my rock bottom days). Since then I am back in the office every day and running around with my little one, walking the dog every night and making my family dinner, it is truly amazing!

My hair had been falling out so bad before I started working with Sara, I could not shower without fear of how much hair I was losing. Since working with Sara, my hair is thick again and not falling out! My body aches and pains are gone most days and I feel like I can push myself a bit more in my workouts.
Brittany T.
I am so thrilled to have found Sara! I am 31 and have had gut and hormone issues my entire adult life.  Like most women, I thought it was just me and I lived with them.  Over the last year, my symptoms (a long list of them!) became too much for me to handle. I was miserable.

I got to work learning, reading and addressing symptoms. I made progress, but was still struggling.  I learned from what Sara shares how important it is to know the root of the problem. Despite being nervous about the process and nervous about the cost, I knew this was what I had to do. I am so excited to know what’s going on. Now that we know, we can specifically treat the causes! I can’t even describe how good it feels to know.

Sara is extremely professional, knowledgeable, organized and passionate about what she does.  I felt confident in her from our first 30 minute chat.  She makes the plan clear and specific (I did not feel overwhelmed!), provides every resource you need, and makes purchasing any recommended supplements so easy. It can be nerve wracking for some, I think, working with someone you don’t know virtually over the internet. If you are unsure, do not hesitate to work with Sara.  She is awesome and knows how to help you.
Katie B.
I am so thrilled to have found Sara! I am 31 and have had gut and hormone issues my entire adult life.  Like most women, I thought it was just me and I lived with them.  Over the last year, my symptoms (a long list of them!) I had done so many things in the past few years to clear up my constipation and get my hair loss to stop which mostly failed except working with Sara!! My hair finally stopped falling out (and felt amazing) and I am no longer constipated.
Cynthia D.
Sara is the first provider I have worked with who has given me answers that makes sense! Between the naturopaths and the doctors, Sara is the perfect addition to help me get on the right path to better health. I have struggled with an autoimmune disease and cystic acne for years! She explains things that are happening in my body to the extent I finally understand the steps I need to take to heal properly. In a world with so much information and theories about health. Treating just the symptoms is never going to get the results. That why working with Sara has been a dream because she has helped me treat my body as a whole! I am forever grateful for her!
Kristin B.
I learned so much over such a short period of time. I did not realize that most of my problems were associated with poor digestion.  I’ve already experienced such huge benefit on the digestion and thrilled to report that my period has resumed and I experienced very little discomfort!
Jennifer L.
I’ve dealt with chronic pain for almost six years now. After my first pregnancy it became constant, intense, and debilitating. The past six years have been filled with visiting more doctors than I can count on my hands and taking different kinds of medications. There’s even been a bad episode that put me in the ER. I’ve had to cancel plans, lay in bed for days, and miss out on time with my family because of my health.

After another round of visiting doctors and getting the same answers I’d gotten before, I happened to meet Sara. To my surprise, she found a lot. Why had no other doctor found these things or investigated further?

And…I am living COMPLETELY different. Six years of daily pain, completely gone! I can’t even believe it as I’m writing this! I no longer have daily pain, weekly pain, or even every once in a while pain. I don’t think twice about going out with friends or running errands or planning a trip or being away from home for more than a few hours. I don’t have to lay in bed for a day to recover. I can go for a walk with my kids with no pain. In fact, our Disneyworld trip wasn’t just a fun vacation, but it was a celebration of so many things – I can be away from home and I can enjoy fun without fear of my body failing me.
Morgan M.
I’m sooooo relieved and glad that after a year of not having a period that I got my period back in less than 2 months of working with Sara.  Thank you sooo much.
Jo T.
I can’t believe I’m saying this…but i’m actually scheduling self care into my days now and planning for it – sometimes it’s as simple as making sure I get my walk in, or scheduling a pedicure, sitting down to read a book, having my husband watch the kids while I take a bath and do my favorite Beautycounter mask, etc. I find a little bit goes a long way.  I didn’t realize how much self care would help reduce my stress and improve my health overall until you taught me how to prioritize this!

After about 90 days of working with Sara, my headaches have reduced significantly. I went from having headaches at least 50% of the time, to now 1-2 per month only. I don’t experience bloating and chronic constipation anymore and can tell I have reduced sources of inflammation in my body and have lost weight. My levels of fatigue have decreased and energy levels have increased.
Kristen H. imageKristen H.
I just found out today that my A1C went down to 5.8 (was 7.0)!! Thank you for your help!  I really think that  you have helped me progress so far in just 3 months. I lost 6% body fat and put on 12 lbs of muscle and went from 223-215.
CherRon S.
I really feel like we are working on all the pieces of the puzzle, and it makes me feel more positive that I am taking steps to improve my health.
Tracy C.
I really appreciate all you have done to help me, I was a mess when I first found you and really didn’t think there was much that could be done.  You have helped me learn so much and truly have been a life changer!
Camille M.
I want to tell you about my race this past weekend.  I killed it which was AWESOME BUT!!!  I had zero stomach issues before, during or after.  I have literally in 15 years of racing EVER not had a stomach issue.  And after I am always wrecked.  It was amazing!  Thank you!!I really appreciate all you have done to help me, I was a mess when I first found you and really didn’t think there was much that could be done.  You have helped me learn so much and truly have been a life changer!
Heidi V.
I implemented your strategy this weekend and I felt so much better.
Lori D.
The last two night I have slept like a baby!  It’s been amazing.  I have dreams and I wake up refreshed.
Kathleen M.
I struggled with handling my stress in a proper way. I would turn to coffee to get me going in the morning and was burning myself out doing intense cardio workouts five or six times a week. Little did I know, that itself was causing myself to stress more internally.  I learned how to adjust my diet (I am a dietitian, and yes even dietitians need help from other dietitians!). I learned which supplements to take that were tailored to my results from the dutch and stool test. Before testing, I was just guessing and spending money on supplements hoping to see improvements. I was able to see that some of my symptoms such as adrenal fatigue and high testosterone lined up with the dutch results and Sara really broke it down to help me understand how to make life-long changes to heal my body.  I have a better sense of how to handle my stress levels.  I don’t feel strung out and jittery with an afternoon crash. Sara has provided me with several strategies that I will carry with me for a lifetime!
Molly S. portrait imageMolly S.

ARE YOU READY TO TRANSFORM YOUR HEALTH? Learn more about working with me HERE.