1-on-1 Six Month Program
Feeling stuck with your health? Confused by all the conflicting information out there? Feel like you have tried “everything” yet still don’t see improvement? I would love to be your guide and mentor in your journey to discover your power and become your own BEST self-healer! No one body is the same and no one healing journey is the same. My 6 month VIP 1-on-1 program is perfect for those that need to dig deeper for answers to their health complaints and are looking for more individualized support. What are you waiting for?

Parasite Cleansing Mastery Self-Paced Online Course
Parasites Play a Role in Nearly ALL Chronic and Deadly Dis-ease. Learn the ins and outs of ridding the body of pesky parasites without resorting to costly stool tests and overly relying on supplement protocols that aren’t getting to the root causes. Instead, learn a holistic, whole-person, personalized approach that addresses the real reasons why we become vulnerable hosts to them in the first place. Helping you and/or your clients heal from the inside out.

Holistic HTMA Pro Certification Program
Holistic HTMA Pro is a 12-week certification program that provides comprehensive and truly holistic training on interpreting and implementing the HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis) through the lens of the impact of trauma, psychoneuroimmunology, which is the interplay between the psyche and the nervous and immune systems, epigenetics, whole-person/whole-system healing, and quantum coaching.
The program provides a wealth of knowledge, tools, and strategies for guiding clients to become empowered self-healers and create sustainable wellness in body, mind, and spirit.