5 Reasons to Consider Energy Testing

Do you struggle with chronic digestive or other health issues that just won’t go away no matter what you do? Feel like you have tried everything? Invested big dollars in lab testing, taken fistfuls of supplements, spent hours meditating? Only to still feel unwell?

Well, I have some great news for you! There is a powerful force within you that is better than any medication or supplement – your own body’s intelligence.

Chronic health issues have been on the rise and conventional medicine seems to miss the mark in many cases. But traditional functional medicine practices are becoming outdated as they often focus too much on biochemical interventions through labs, supplements, detoxes, etc.

Don’t get me wrong, lab tests can provide useful insights, but they’re not the holy grail for root cause identification and resolution. We need a more holistic and customized approach to healing, and that’s where energy testing comes in as ONE tool.

Related Blog Post: Why Stool Testing Alone Isn’t Enough

Energy testing is a powerful tool that can help you tap into your body’s natural intelligence and gain valuable insights into what it needs to heal. While traditional functional medicine practices often focus on biochemical interventions through labs, supplements, and detoxes. Energy testing works on a quantum physics level and is based on the ancient knowledge that our body is constantly communicating with our environment.

Your subconscious mind controls all the vital processes of your body, including digestion, detoxification, hormone production, immune function, and more. It knows what you need and how to heal you, and energy testing helps access this subconscious or superconscious mind so you can get feedback from your body and ask it what’s wrong and what it needs to move forward.

What is Energy Testing?

Simply put, energy testing works on a quantum physics level. Your electromagnetic current is made up of quantum particles that are accessible even from a distance. This means that we can identify possible interferences in the body’s nervous system and educate a person about how to improve their health in the most safe, strategic and customized way.

Energy testing rests on the ancient knowledge that our body is constantly communicating with our environment, and we can tap into this communication to gain insight and information.

Energy testing is a way to tap into the body’s bio-field and ask strategic questions that cannot be answered from other testing methods as a way to help guide the path forward and bring more precision to decisions made.

How Does Energy Testing Work?

Energy testing works by asking the body’s innate intelligence strategic yes and no only questions based on scientific knowledge and then recording the response of the body to help guide decisions.

A very common form of energy testing performed by many practitioners, especially chiropractors and naturopaths, is kinesiology or muscle testing. With this form of testing, the practitioner asks the persona a question or places a remedy on them to see if their muscle, normally an arm muscle, weakens or strengthens.

If the muscle weakens, then it’s not good for the body and vice versa.

While there are several forms of energy testing ranging from using gadgets and fancy computer systems, to kinesiology, otherwise known as muscle testing, to pendulum testing (which is the primary form I use and prefer) and more, the KEY the efficacy of energy testing doesn’t really lie in the method used but rather the skill and knowledge of the practitioner to be able to ask the right questions — which requires a great deal of understanding of science, how the body and mind work, and a client’s story and their individual needs.

This said, energy testing fills the gaps where lab testing has limitations.

5 reasons why you should consider energy testing…

1. Energy testing is non-invasive and safe.

Unlike many conventional medical interventions, energy testing is non-invasive and completely safe. You won’t have to worry about any harmful side effects or risks associated with more invasive procedures.

It gives voice to the subconscious and can reveal imbalances that are driving both health and life dysfunction that could never be revealed via biochemical testing alone.

2. Energy testing is affordable and accessible.

Unlike many traditional lab tests and medical procedures, energy testing is affordable and can be done anywhere, at any time. This makes it a great option for those who may not be able to afford more expensive or time-consuming medical interventions.

It can assess for details that labs cannot do and works forward in time. Because of this, energy testing can be used to tine-tune protocols in terms of asking the body’s wisdom specifics around foods, supplements, how much, when, in combination with what, other healing modalities, and more. This allows for precision that labs cannot offer.

3. Energy testing can provide immediate feedback.

Because energy testing works on a quantum physics level, it can provide immediate feedback about possible imbalances in the body. This allows you to take action quickly and address any issues before they become more serious.

4. Energy testing can help you understand what your body needs.

One of the most powerful aspects of energy testing is that it can help you better understand what your body needs to heal and move towards optimal health. By tapping into your body’s natural intelligence, you can gain valuable insights into what is causing your health issues and what interventions will be most effective in addressing them.

It helps to assess and address hidden imbalances as a result of emotional trauma.

5. Energy testing can be used in conjunction with other interventions.

While energy testing can be a powerful tool on its own, it can also be used in conjunction with other interventions, such as other lab tests, supplements, and dietary changes. By taking a holistic and comprehensive approach to your health, you can optimize your body’s natural healing abilities and achieve optimal health and vitality.

It allows the body to speak about what it needs on an ongoing basis to support the findings of biochemical testing and thus provide insight into how to adjust healing protocols.

Energy testing is meant to provide insight into the body and the inner workings of a person’s energy and psyche in the present moment…

And then used within the context of all other information we gather on a client case in order to make the most accurate correlations we can make.

Want to see Energy Testing in Action? Sign Up for this Freebie: A Core Missing Link in Your Coaching Practice

How to Get Support?

If you are a wellness coach or practitioner that works with clients that have autoimmune diseases then it is important to become trauma informed. Wellness Code Academy practitioner certification program is a dynamic, trauma-informed, beyond-the-biochemical, and truly holistic coaching system that takes…

The deepest dive ever into healing the gut, brain, nervous system, and mitochondria—and also taps into the power of the subconscious mind to support healing the psyche? Learn more HERE.

Learn more about my approach with clients: My Health and Healing Philosophy

I believe ANY HEALING JOURNEY ultimately needs to involve addressing BOTH the body and the mind in the proper way and in the proper order which will be highly individual.  

It also is a HUGE reason why I see many feel stuck on their own healing journeys because this concept hasn’t been adequately acknowledged, understood or addressed. 

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