Pastas, Side Dishes, and Salads

18 March, 2015

The Ultimate Fermented Round Up

Fermentation dates back to 5400 BCE so it is not a new concept.  Fermenting foods started out simply as a way to preserve food.  As we became a more processed nation the art of fermentation was put on the back...

17 March, 2015

Spinach Artichoke Hummus

I am always looking for ways to get my family to eat more vegetables.  One of the best ways to get my husband to eat more raw vegetables is with a good hummus.  He will use the sticks of carrots and...

8 March, 2015

Think Rice: 7 Vegetable Forbidden Rice Bowl

*By posting this recipe I am entering a recipe contest sponsored by USA Rice Federation and am eligible to win prizes associated with the contest. I was not compensated for my time.  All opinions are my own.* March is National...

2 March, 2015

Cauliflower and Brussels Sprouts Salad

My garden produced a big beautiful head of cauliflower and what is a girl to do with it to make it tasty?  You may have noticed that many of my recipes lately are based on what is growing in my...

24 February, 2015

Fajita Bowl with Citrus Marinated Vegetables

I am always looking for quick dinners that work well during a busy week and that make perfect leftovers. Leftovers make the best lunches.  Am I right?  Eating healthy is a priority for me and I refuse to let things like a...

2 February, 2015

Clean Lemon Vinaigrette Recipe

Salads are a huge staple of my diet.  A big bowl loaded with nutritious leafy greens is as mouthwatering to me as a juice steak is to some.  Salads can be switched up in thousands of different ways.  People always ask me...

28 January, 2015

Sesame Glazed Green Beans

I am a lover of green beans.  The fresh kind I mean.  I remember trying to choke down canned green beans as a kid because I just didn’t like the flavor or how mushy they were.  But fresh green beans…now those...