A large percentage of my clients come to me dealing with constipation and sometimes without even realizing they are constipated. If you are unsure, check out my post on the 10 Signs of a Healthy Poop. What most don’t realize...
I myself was diagnosed with a fibroid by my PCP about 3 years ago. I didn’t have any of the possible symptoms. No heavy or painful periods that can sometimes be a sign of fibroids. At the time my doctor...
I hear so many people talking about candida these days with all of the concern out there about gut health. One would say that candida is super trendy right now. There are lots of diets, cleanses, and detoxes out there to...
Yes, you read that right. Eat MORE and move LESS! These are often the recommendations that I make to my clients and is one of the ways I helped heal myself from hormone imbalances. But haven’t we been taught that...
When was the last time you woke up without an alarm, refreshed and didn’t need a few cups of coffee to get going in the morning? There’s no question that we all want better sleep! But, with all of the distractions,...
I spent over 25 years hating my skin. Want to find out how I finally cleared my acne? Lets first talk about when my trouble began. It all started during puberty when my hormones started to change. My diet didn’t...
Exercising and eating right but still can’t lose weight? I hear this a lot from women in my practice. It’s likely that your body is busy working on something deeper going on inside. Instead of restricting calories, pushing yourself harder...
Our periods can tell us a lot about our health, so as women, it is important to know what a normal period is like. In fact some people consider them a vital sign and I completely agree with that idea....
Estrogen dominance is very common these days,but that DOES NOT make it normal. Our modern world creates the perfect environment for estrogen to take over. It may seem impossible, but you can do something about it. Yes, YOU can! You...