
26 March, 2016

Summer Salad with Ginger Dressing

Spring in Arizona is my favorite time of the year.  I love and appreciate living in a place where the sun is shinning most of the year because I definitely feel that it lifts my mood.  The spring season means...

21 March, 2016

White Chocolate Bark (Dairy Free)

The Recipe Redux theme for the month of March is right up my alley.  Using 7 ingredients or less in a quick, easy, no brainier, and healthy recipe with just a few simple ingredients.  Those are my types of recipes because...

11 March, 2016

Macaroon Granola (Grain Free, Vegan)

If you follow me on Instagram you may have already seen my attempts at macaroons.  I tried making them a few different ways and they were good but not amazing (I haven’t given up) but in the process I came...

25 February, 2016

Ginger Miso Spaghetti Squash

I have been getting so many e-mails and comments from this community about how much you are loving my Sesame Sweet Potato Noodles.  I so appreciate getting this feedback and it helps inspire me to create more recipes that I know...

21 February, 2016

Kale and Butternut Squash Breakfast Bowl

February’s Recipe Redux theme: showing the healthy ways to wake up breakfast.  It just so happens that breakfast is my favorite meal of the entire day and I always look forward to waking up so I can eat a delicious...

15 February, 2016

Tuna Power Salad with Peanut Dressing

A couple of weeks ago I was in the Denver area.  I love to travel and one of the best parts about going to a new place is seeing what food they have to offer.  I found this salad from...

12 February, 2016

Eat an Avocado a Day with AvocadoOrganic

Have you been hearing that you should eat an avocado a day?  I am sure there are still some people out there avoiding naturally high fat and calorie dense foods like avocado.  This would be a tragedy! Avocados provide around 20...