
20 September, 2015

Healthy Freezer Meals + Green Lentil Chili

This months Recipe Redux theme is such a good one!  This month I am sharing my best tips and tricks for healthy freezer meals.  Utilizing the freezer to conveniently make and have healthy foods on hand can be a real life saver....

17 September, 2015

Coconut Chips, Three Ways

I discovered a new favorite snack.  This is one that may very well just blow your mind!  If you are in the mood for something salty, sweet, or crunchy but are trying to keep your hand out of the chip...

14 September, 2015

Back to Basics Green Smoothie

 I can’t take 100% credit for this green smoothie recipe.  I got the idea from a similar version that I tried at my local Whole Foods.  They always say that you shouldn’t do your grocery shopping hungry so on occasion...

25 August, 2015

Cauliflower Pizza Crust (Vegan, GF, Paleo)

Well I did it!  I finally made my very own cauliflower pizza crust.  For some reason I had been putting off trying it for myself for a long time but I finally decided that it was time.  Any recipe that...

6 July, 2015

Roasted Carrots with Green Goddess Tahini

They call me the vegetable doctor.  Well not really.  But I like to think that I can make just about any vegetable taste delicious.  If it isn’t delicious then what is the point of eating it anyway?  It’s true, vegetables...

1 July, 2015

No Churn Tahini Cardamom Ice Cream

Ice cream used to be one of my major weaknesses.  If you had asked me what my favorite food was a few years ago, I probably would have said it was ice cream.  As you start to live a more...

29 June, 2015

Roasted Tomato Vinaigrette

Summer produce is in full swing which means that it is a great time of year for tomatoes.  Tomatoes are a great source of antioxidants, including lycopene. Researchers have recently found an important connection between lycopene and bone health.  Lycopene...